Book Series

See Our First Titles in Print!

Green Card Soldier:

Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat

by Sofya Aptekar

Worn Out:

How Retailers Surveil and Exploit Workers in the Digital Age and How Workers are Fighting Back

by Madison Van Oort


Labor and Technology:  Transnationalism, Feminism and Anti-Racism, MIT Press


The Labor and Technology Series aims to fill a gap in scholarly and public discussions about the digital capacities and infrastructures that are affecting how we work. The series promotes critical analysis of dynamics such as digitization, automation, mobile computing, surveillance, the gig economy, precarity, care work, crowdsourcing, outsourcing, and more. It brings a deep and contextual analysis to accounts of new and unrecognized forms of labor by asking: Who are the workers being left out of the story? How is labor fundamentally connected to systems of inequality based on, for example, race, class, gender, and sexuality? How are technologies of labor rooted in political economies, legal systems, state regulations, and social ideologies—especially beyond the US and Europe, and particularly in the Global South? How are different groups shaping technology from the ground up, with grassroots initiatives? The goal of the series is to provide a space for a nuanced, multidimensional, and research-informed conversation. In doing so, the series attempts to tie together discussions that have been sprinkled across myriad disciplines, creating a cohesive site for analyses of the digitization of work and an anchor for future debates.

Forthcoming Titles

To see links for these books on the press website, click here

Sofya Aptekar, The Green Card Soldier: Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat

Eileen Buckholtz, Queens of Code: Inspiring True Stories from NSA’s Computing Women

Colleen Carrigan, Cracking the Bro-Code

Ryan Ellis, Hustle and Hack: Bugs, Bounties, and the Remaking of Security Work

Danny Goodwin and Edward Schwarzschild, Job Security:  Security Workers Talk About the Parts of Their Jobs They Can Talk About and How They Feel About the Parts They Can’t Talk About

Alvaro Huerta, Jardineros: Cultivating Los Angeles’ Front Lawn with Brown Hands, Migrant Networks, and Technology. *Awardee of MIT Press Grant Fund for Diverse Voices!*

Margaret Jack, Digital Restitution:  Cambodian Postwar Media Reconstruction and the Geopolitics of Technology

Madison Van Oort, Worn Out:  Digital Precarity in Just-in-Time Retail

Winifred R. Poster, Multi-surveillances:  Transnational Digital Agency in the Outsourced Services of Indian Call Centers

Karina Rider, Volunteering the Valley

Ling Tang, Burnout Market Feminism: Urban Chinese Business Women in the Internet Age


For Further Information

MIT Press Page

More info on the Labor and Technology Series can be found here


The series is being nurtured by the following team:

Press editor, Katie Helke:
Series editor, Winifred Poster:


To submit a proposal to this series: please reach out to either/both Winnie and Katie with a proposal and 1-2  sample chapters. If you do not hear back from either of us within two weeks, please follow up.
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